Whether you have been unfaithful or your partner is cheating on you, there are ways to regain trust after cheating. The best thing to do is to be completely open about your behavior, apologize for your actions and make a commitment to being completely honest with your partner in the future.

Apologize for the betrayal
Whether you're a cheating partner or an unfaithful partner, apologizing for the betrayal is important to rebuild trust regain trust after cheating. It doesn't mean that you're always right, but it means that you recognize your responsibility and care about the relationship.
Your apology should come from the heart. You shouldn't make excuses, defend your actions or try to justify your behavior. Your partner may be confused by your apology, but he or she needs to know that you're sincere. You can't expect them to forgive you right away.
You should take some time to think about your actions and your partner's feelings. You should be able to identify the real reasons why you betrayed your partner. If you're unable to, you should seek professional help.
You should also try to avoid replaying the betrayal in your mind. If you do, you might become vengeful or humiliated. Unless you're able to let go of the past, you may find yourself replaying the event in your head when you're with your friends or driving to work.
Show empathy for the pain suffered
Whether you're a recovering cheater or a longtime loyal spouse, there are plenty of ways to rebuild trust after an indiscretion. This includes a bit of self reflection and an open mind. The key is to make the most of the healing process and take a page from your mate's book.
The best way to prove your devotion is to show empathy for the pain that was caused by an indiscretion.
The best way to do this is to take a cue from your partner and try to put yourself in his or her shoes. This will help you figure out what to do and what not to do. Similarly, it's best to ask for your partner's permission before touching him or her. After all, it's one thing to make a snide comment, but it's another to touch up your partner's ego. In the end, repairing trust will require a combination of empathy and grit. Getting your partner to see the light can be a challenge, but it's worth the effort.
Commit to being completely open with your partner in the future
Having your partner commit to being completely open with you in the future can help you to rebuild trust after an affair. However, trust is a two-way street, and both parties need to work together to heal.

Building trust after an affair takes time, so you need to be realistic about the time it will take. It is important to understand that not all relationships bounce back after an affair, so you will need to work hard to rebuild your relationship.
The best way to rebuild trust after an affair is to make your partner aware that you are taking responsibility for your actions. You should also be completely honest about your thoughts and feelings, and not blame your partner for what happened.
Being a good listener can also help to heal the relationship. Listening without anger can help you to understand your partner's needs, and allow you to integrate them into your own.
The best way to rebuild trust after a cheating affair is to be consistent. You can't expect your partner to trust you after an affair if you continually make negative behavior.
Avoid the same mistakes
Getting back into a relationship after cheating can be a difficult process. Both partners need to commit to rebuilding trust. It takes time, but the effort is worth it. The first step in regaining trust after cheating is to talk about the situation and learn why trust was lost in the first place.
In order to rebuild trust, both partners must be willing to be honest and accountable. Trying to hold back information about the affair can be damaging. It is also important to communicate honestly and pay attention to each other's needs. If you are tempted to text late at night, remember to focus on your partner's needs.

Another mistake that partners make when rebuilding trust after cheating is to avoid tough conversations. You need to talk about your feelings and why you lost trust in the first place. You also need to make it clear that you are not trying to blame your partner for your own actions. Instead, you should take the time to learn from your mistakes and resolve not to repeat them in your next relationship.